Thursday, September 02, 2004

Gameday preparation

Yay! Saturday is GAMEDAY!!! And we've already had a test run down to the tailgating spot. Cooler is ready, clothes are clean. Menu is set. Tickets are located. Yay!

Tailgating in the fall, it doesn't get any better than this.

And on top of that anything_illegal went hot, and so did jock .

let’s get busy, bees

Monday, August 30, 2004

Keg Tapped Monday

And to follow up the hot axons at ilovebees,

my favorite beer site at ilovebeer just started tapping kegs today.

Check out the new wav files of Moe, Dan, Marc and the rest.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Update Tuesday ilovebees

This morning, I checked out the axon in the ATL.
The payphone was ringing, and we made the axon go hot!

fun fun fun.

Friday, August 13, 2004

Axons go hot in 10 days

Axons go hot in 10 days.
Been a busy week - metastasis, 220 GPS coordinates, new e-mails, a new blog entry.
I hope Dana is doing okay in Shanghai.

join me at to solve the mystery that is Dana and her bees.


Tuesday, July 27, 2004

network throttling

Today, the network throttled.  And there was much rejoicing.

Friday, July 23, 2004

Today I signed up for blogger

Today I signed up for blogger, in order to add to someone else's blog.  Wheee.